Our archive of Shows past and present
The Great Gatsby - February 2025

- Under the glow of a soft, green light,
- Two hearts converged one summer night,
- Daisy and Jay,
- Such magic names,
- Their story of love
- Left us never the same,
- Fitzgerald's book is now a play,
- Performed soon in a special way,
- Intimate, indoors, with limited seating,
- All the emotions for seeing and breathing,
- Come see this tale of many layers,
- Brought to you by the Foodbank Players
A Christmas Carol - December, 2024

Let Us All Sing Along
- Dickens’ tale of grumpy Scrooge,
- Is quite well know, his rep so huge,
- A stingy fellow with furrowed brows,
- His unkind looks look more like scowls,
- So why take time to tell his story,
- Amidst these days of holiday glory,
- Because one line stands out as true,
- For everyone, you, me and you,
- This season of gifts can be quite cruel,
- When one hath not a meal or fuel,
- “When want is keenly felt and abundance rejoices”
- Is spoke to Scrooge, who’s given choices,
- To help out others by sharing his wealth,
- Sparking joy, improving health,
- At first he says no, no, no, no,
- Then on his trek with ghosts he goes,
- And in one magic, striking night,
- He’s given better, loving sight,
- And learns that he has tremendous power,
- Once he doth shed his inner dour,
- To share, donate, and offer care,
- And help his fellows struggling near,
- Which is what we are all about,
- When from the stage we sing and shout,
- And offer laughs and tears to you,
- Then with your help such good we do,
- All donations to our town's Food Bank,
- For which we offer heartfelt thanks,
- So come meet Scrooge and Tiny Tim,
- Bring everyone, he, she and them,
- We cannot wait to see all you,
- And so this poet cries “Woohoo!”
King Lear - October, 2024

- Long ago when I was young,
- There was a play that to me sung,
- A tale of one both royal and old,
- We meet him weak, though he was bold,
- A King with daughters, one, two, three,
- While I have sons this spoke to me,
- For how we age and slow our life,
- Is seldom smooth, but full of strife,
- Our bodies and more so our minds,
- Doth vary so, we are all kinds,
- But when the years do multiply,
- Everyone from fair does soon decline,
- We strive to keep some bits of self,
- While seeking help from pharmacy shelf,
- A cane, a walker, wheelchair too,
- Mobility affects much more than few,
- For Lear the King does what he can,
- But he's an elder every man,
- And while I'm just now six and sixty,
- The path ahead is steep and tricky,
- Come join us for this truthful play,
- We all are Lear, some way, some day.
As You Like It - July, 2024

- Welcome to the Woods of Will Shakespeare,
- Welcome to this fairy blessed place,
- Hear the song of hope in our voices,
- And see the looks of love on our face,
- Our story starts at court with frustration,
- Born of jealous freshly green,
- Brother versus brother unpleasant,
- Hurt people being hurtfully mean,
- But then two people meet unexpected,
- And with one look they know in their hearts,
- That something beautiful is beginning,
- And that’s how healing finally starts,
- Come along while we play out this sweet story,
- Of Rosalind and her Orlando,
- And how his rhymes put up on the tree,
- Was how their love doth started to grow.
- April, 2024

- Come this April, midst of Spring,
- Is a play about bleak things,
- Bloody, creepy, wicked screams,
- Killers troubled by sharp dark dreams,
- A man and wife, last names Macbeth,
- Renowned authors of regicidal death,
- Witchy puppets, ambition wild,
- Formerly among the mild,
- Double, double, toil and trouble,
- Actors bold who shall not mumble,
- Come and see this ghastly crew,
- Faces familiar and some new,
- Healing Garden, Webster Street,
- Our acting spot is so damn sweet.
A Christmas Carol - December, 2023

- In screens aglow, a tale unfolds. A modern Carol, in codes is told. Scrooge, with heart so icy cold, across the web, his story's told.
Ghosts of Past and Present blend, in pixels, their messages send. Families meet through video's art, joy and love warm every heart.
Future's shadow, grim and dark, a call to change, to make a mark. Scrooge, awakened, learns to share, kindness and love fill the air.
In bits and bytes, the message true, spread goodwill, in all you do. A modern Carol, short and sweet, love and joy, the world to greet!
[This poem was generated by ChatGPT because Scrooge was too cheap to hire a proper writer!]
Romeo and Juliet - September, 2023

- Our next play is one of woe,
- Tis of Juliet and her Romeo,
- The familiar story of love and strife,
- Where they and others lose their lives,
- We shall doth strive to tell their tale,
- With extra care for many are frail,
- From quarantine and our hard times,
- To which this tale speak so sublime,
- Fear and passion, rash decisions,
- Exaggerated by hard division,
- And at the core a pair so young,
- Whose love deserves to be well sung,
- We're eager to perform for you,
- Please bring yourselves and others too.
A Midsummer Night's Dream - May, 2023

- The time has come,
- Hip Hip Hooray.
- The Foodbank Players,
- Have a brand new play,
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream,
- With a double feature,
- Pyramus and Thisbe,
- Both lovely creatures.
- This Shakespeare story is familiar to many,
- But theatrical joys there will be plenty.
- Thespians, fairies, and lovers abound,
- Set in old Athens, and the forest around,
- Magic and music played perfectly,
- And a funny bit about an old donkey.
A Christmas Carol - December, 2022

This play follows the transformation of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly and cold-hearted old man, on Christmas Eve. Through visits from the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come, Scrooge confronts his own life choices. The story explores themes of redemption, compassion, and the joy of giving, culminating in Scrooge’s newfound generosity and holiday spirit.
Hamlet - August, 2022

About Prince Hamlet’s quest for revenge after his father’s death. The play explores themes of betrayal, madness, and the consequences of inaction, showcasing intricate characters and complex moral dilemmas.
Much Ado About Nothing - April 2022

This play explores themes of love, deception, and misunderstandings, with witty banter and a mix of humorous and serious moments.
Sylvia - September 2021

Explores the impact of a stray dog named Sylvia on the relationship of a middle-aged couple, Greg and Kate. Sylvia becomes a symbolic and transformative presence, challenging the dynamics of love, companionship, and midlife crises as Greg forms a unique bond with the unconventional canine. The play delves into themes of identity, communication, and the unexpected sources of joy in life.