
Behind the Scenes: What’s in my Stage Manger Rehearsal Bag

Hey Blog Readers! Like Puck (and other Shakespeare characters) I’m here to break the 4th wall with some behind the scenes stuff about what goes into stage managing.

The stage manager is the to keep everything running smoothly and to do that I need quite a bit of gear!

Most important is my script binder, it’s where I take most of my production and blocking notes, these notes can be referenced in later rehearsals in case of confusion and for continuity.

Those in script notes a taken on color coded sticky notes. Scenes can change on a whim so to keep my script relatively neat I use sticky notes.

I take my more general notes in my notebook, my personal preference is composition books. I’ve used this current one for the past three years and for various projects.

Another personal preference, but I always take notes in pencil so I can erase as needed.

My last note taking apparatus is my laptop, which I use to update our various notes spreadsheets and to send out emails.

I also keep a tape measure with me for rehearsal space set up. We use spike tape to mark the outlines of our acting space.

And of course I have my water bottle!

Once we get into tech week and performances I’ll be adding bobby-pins, hair ties, checklists, and my sewing kit to this bag.